St. John's Franklin Podcast (Lectures)

The frequent complaint of boredom in the midst of a society with seemingly endless options for entertainment and amusement seems peculiar.  In spite of the beauty and diversity of God’s creation, and in spite of the tragic brokenness surrounding us, many whom we meet are bored with their existence.

In Patricia Spacks’ fascinating book. Boredom: A Literary History of a State of Mind, she finds the word was first used in the English language in the 18th century. Before the 18th century, the word sloth or acedia, one of the seven deadly sins, was used to describe the state of boredom.  The difference?  Boredom says the problem is outside of me; the world outside of me fails to interest me.  Sloth, on the other hand, says the problem is within me; I have a spiritual problem.  Why is my heart not moved by the True, the Good, and the Beautiful that surrounds me?

Join the conversation as we explore the causes, consequences and cure for boredom.

P.S. I recommend downloading the PDF outline, as it has the quotes that are used in the lectures, as well as an extensive bibliography. 

Direct download: The_Spiritual_Roots_of_Boredom.mp3
Category:Lectures -- posted at: 8:44am CST