St. John's Franklin Podcast

Rod McLain preached a sermon entitled The Missional Church and Youth for the Third Sunday after Epiphany on January 27, 2013. Hospitality is a central missional practice of the church—having been welcomed by God into His presence, we are to welcome others. Rather than segmenting youth away from adults, as many churches do today, our vision for youth ministry means incorporating our youth into the body of Christ —extending hospitality to them so they have a sense of belonging, recognizing that adults and youth need each other, and allowing God to bring healing.

Second Sunday after Epiphany
Nehemiah 8:1-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Luke 4:14-21

Direct download: MissionalChurchYouth.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled The Missional Church for the Second Sunday after Epiphany on January 20, 2013. The Scriptures teach that in Jesus Christ, God is redemptively restoring his fallen creation in every part, until at last all things are made new. This is the missio Dei, the redemptive mission of God to the world. God intends to accomplish this mission by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Christian church. The church, that one, holy, catholic, and apostolic community—that is both global in its reach and local in its expression—is the intended instrument for the mission of God. Hospitality is a central missional practice of the church—having been welcomed by God into His presence, we are to welcome others.

Second Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 36:5-10
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11

Direct download: Missional_Church.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled Solidarity With Humanity” based on Luke 3:15-22 for the Baptism of the Lord on January 13, 2013. In His baptism, Jesus identifies with us in our humanity. He assumes and shares in our humanity, in the burden of life in the flesh, with all its temptation, heartache, disappointment, sin, and death.  Jesus becomes human to redeem humanity.

Jesus rises from the waters; and a drowned world rises with Him. Gregory of Nazianzus

Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 43:1-7
Psalm 29
Luke 3:15-22

Direct download: JesusBaptism.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled Partakers of the Promise” based on Matthew 2:1-12 for the Epiphany of the Lord on January 6, 2013. Epiphany marks the celebration of the New Testament reality that the revelation of God, the Gospel, is now available to all the peoples of the earth. The focus of the people of God is no longer not located in racial descent nor in solidarity with a nation state, but in relationship to the Son of God.

Epiphany of the Lord
Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-7,10-14
Ephesians 3:1-12
Matthew 2:1-12

Direct download: PartakersofthePromise.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:00pm CST