Sun, 24 November 2013
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “The Crucified King” based on Luke 1:68-79 for Christ The King Sunday on November 24, 2013. Jesus turns on concept of kingship upside down on Good Friday, and provides a paradigm for understanding times when God seems absent or inactive. Christ The King Sunday Jeremiah 23:1-10 Luke 1:68-79 Colossians 1:11-20 Luke 23:33-43 |
Mon, 18 November 2013
Brian Goodwin preached a sermon entitled “The Former Things Shall Not Be Remembered” based on Isaiah 65:17-25 for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time on November 17, 2013. The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 65:17-25 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 |
Sun, 10 November 2013
Mary Maggard Hays preached a sermon entitled “Trying To Trap Jesus” based on Luke 20:20-40 for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time on November 10, 2013. As Jesus responds to various attempts to trap Him in theological conundrums, He reveals the richness of life that is offered in the Gospel. Mary is Canon to the Ordinary of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Haggai 1:15-2:9 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17
Sun, 3 November 2013
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “The Communion of Saints” for the All Saints Day on November 3, 2013. All Saints Day reminds us that the Gospel travels through human relationships. All Saints Day Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 Psalm 149 Ephesians 1:11-23 Luke 6:20-31 |
Thu, 31 October 2013
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “Giving” based on 1 Timothy 6:6-21 for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time on October 27, 2013. One of the ways spiritual maturity shows up in our lives is in learning to participate in God’s gift economy; growing in our understanding of using our material possessions for God in response to His grace and abundance. The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Joel 2:23-32 Psalm 65 1 Timothy 6:6-21 Luke 18:9-14 |