Mon, 24 November 2014
Michael McGhee preached a sermon entitled “Winning by Losing" based on Matthew 25:31-46 for Christ the King Sunday on November 23, 2014. As Christians we are given the gift of power, and the Cross teaches us how to use that power. Andy Crouch puts it this way, "Why is power a gift? Because power is for flourishing. When power is used well, people and the whole cosmos come more alive to what they were meant to be. And flourishing is the test of power."
Christ the King Sunday Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 |
Mon, 17 November 2014
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “Bold and Risky Initiatives" based on Matthew 25:14-30 for The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost on November 16, 2014. Being prepared for Jesus’ coming in the Gospel of Matthew is not a posture of religious contemplation, having a certain emotional experience, or even of prayer; in the Gospel of Matthew the grace of the Gospel motivates the disciple who follows Jesus Christ to take risky initiatives to engage the beauty and brokenness of the world as he or she waits for the Lord's coming.
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 123 I Thessalonians 5:1-11 |
Fri, 14 November 2014
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “The Nearness of His Coming" based on Matthew 25:1-13 for The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost on November 9, 2014. Those whose faith is changing their lives will be ready when Jesus comes.
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 78:1-7 I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Mon, 3 November 2014
Canon Mary Hays preached a sermon entitled “Hello Saints!" for All Saints Day on November 2, 2014. All Saints Day |