Sun, 16 December 2012
Kenny Benge preached a sermon entitled “The Realism of Advent” for the Third Sunday of Advent on December 16, 2012. In a culture that overly sentimentalizes the holiday season, the realism of Advent can be a shock. But it helps us realize that the roots of Christian joy—sunk deep in the gospel; in the death and resurrection of Jesus, allow it to transcend even the evil, suffering and death we experience in this world. The involvement of the church in the suffering of mankind must never be allowed to stifle that supreme note of resurrection triumph or to smother the eschatological joy at the astounding events that have broken into history and pledged for mankind the final day of regeneration. The church must learn to take into its mouth the Good News of the resurrection and new creation, for that must be its primary note, one of limitless joy and thanksgiving. T.F. Torrance Third Sunday of Advent |